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Jennifer Kubit

I first went to Haiti in 2010 a few months after the earthquake. While I didn't know what to expect when I got off the plane, I knew that I wasn't expecting to fall in love.  Yet that is what happened over the following week!  I fell in love with Haiti and it's people and when I left I was in tears.  I have since been back three more times.  The last trip by myself was the catalyst for Hands on Haiti.  That was the trip I knew that God was truly calling me to work in this country.  I have a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, and an currently working on my Masters of Arts in Law with a Non-Profit Management concentration at Regent University.  I am excited to be a part of a grass roots organization and can not wait to see the way God leads us. 

Crystal Green

I first went to Haiti in 2007 at age 16. It was love at first sight. I loved everything about the country, but I especially loved the people and their joyfulness and dedication to God despite their situation. I traveled many more times to Haiti with a church group until 2011 when I flew to Haiti by myself. It was during this trip that I met Pastor Mario of the Children's Dream Center. Since then, the Dream Center and its children have been a passion of mine and I am excited to begin this new opportunity to help them and other Haitian communities flourish. I have a BS in mortuary science and currently work part time at Wayne State University as an instructor, the rest of my time is spent being a stay at home mother to my two daughters, Tessa and Vivian.

Denise Gosselin

My first interest in Haiti came when I was sitting in the church pew hearing about all the mission trips our church had done over the years.  I felt God pulling at my heart strings to take that leap of faith and go on trip.  That was in 2011 and I have been going every year since.  The people of Haiti have captured my heart. This is what God has called me to do.  After losing my job in 2009, I decided to go back to school and get my Master’s in Accounting from Walsh College in Accounting.

I received my BA from Oakland University.  After losing my job, and not being able to find a job, going back to school seemed the logical thing to do.  But God had a different plan.

I have been married to a wonderful man for 23 years and have two grown boys.


I work for a marketing company in Dearborn full time.

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